Brave - new gen. browsing


With 10 millions users in 2019, Brave is getting more and more (basic) attention.

In combination with the Basic attention token, the user and the content provider make a new deal on the internet.

To illustrate, I set up the website to take advantage of it.

As a content provider, my goal is

  • to monetize the content of this website,
  • not overloading it with plugins and useless advertisement space
  • make sure the reader (you) stays in control

What and how to do ?

Straight forward set up your brave content manager account on

IN TXT "brave-ledger-verification= ...

DNS set-up

You can choose between putting a file on your website and set up a new DNS entry on the website of your domain registrar. I followed the 2nd option.

Connect BAT wallet :

  • This account will collect the basic attention token generated by the users navigating on your website
  • The users can choose whether they want to contribute or not by clicking on the Brave rewards logo.

You are done and the most important of the thing:

your users / readers are in control

If they don't like your content they can switch it off without even you knowing it.

That's a need deal started between (free) content providers, advertisers and the users/readers. Mozilla wanted to reestablish this new deal, Brave did it with a lot of innovation.

You can use my referral account to set-up your brave reward account (with mutual benefit) :